Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where is the time going?

The time is flying by. I feel as if I haven't done enough. There is an unlimited amount of things to do in D.C. Sites, landmarks, museums, buildings, etc. Most importantly, the people you will meet. I've met some great people at work and at The Washington Center. Networking is essential but building a deeper friendship with at-least one person is more important. Surrounding yourself with hardworking and professional individuals really inspires one to be better. This trip has allowed me to get to know myself a little better. It has also motivated me to push myself even harder. I have gained such a pride in my country, my culture, and my gender.

I love being a Latina Woman on the Hill. I will be back D.C. To either study, live, work - or all of the above.

It is very empowering interning here. Definitely recommend this journey to everyone. Not only this but please venture out and study abroad whenever you can. I left this to do during my last semester at FSC (which probably wasn't the wisest move) but I would advise you to study abroad as much as possible, as soon as you can. The four undergraduate years go by quickly. This was by far the best way for me to end my time at FSC. I did miss out on all of the senior events. But for me, I believe this was the best thing to do. To move to a whole new city, where I know not one soul, emerge myself into a completely different work environment, and learn new things. If I could do it all over again I most definitely would.

That is why I applied for a nine month fellowship to come back. Pray for me friends. I will let you know when I get the results.

With God's love,